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Margo Sommerville, President

Jeff Fusco, Vice-President

Brad McKitrick, President Pro-Tem



   Members of Council:

Jeff Fusco, At-Large

Johnnie Hannah, Ward 5

Linda F. R. Omobien, At-Large

Brad McKitrick, Ward 6

Eric D. Garrett, Sr., At-Large

Donnie Kammer, Ward 7

Samuel D. DeShazior, Ward 1

Bruce Bolden, Ward 8

Phil Lombardo, Ward 2

Tina Boyes, Ward 9

Margo Sommerville, Ward 3

Sharon L. Connor, Ward 10

Jan Davis, Ward 4




Council Agenda for September 09, 2024


1:00 P.M.

Planning & Economic Development

2:30 P.M.

Health & Social Services

1:45 P.M.

Parks & Recreation

3:00 P.M

Budget & Finance

2:00 P.M.


3:30 P.M

Housing & Neighborhood Assistance

2:00 P.M.

Public Service

5:00 P.M.

Special Meeting – Open Comment Public Hearings

2:00 P.M.

Public Utilities & Green

6:30 P.M.

Regular Council Meeting

2:15 P.M.

Public Safety




Regular Meeting held on July 29, 2024. All members were present, except Kammer. Minutes of the previous meeting approved.  Ayes: 11, Nays: 0.







RULES (McKitrick, Chair)






ORDINANCE authorizing and directing the submission to the electors of the City of Akron a proposal to amend Sections 68, 70, 105, and 106 of the Charter of the City of Akron, to permit the consideration and hiring of both internal and external candidates for the positions of Police Chief, Fire Chief, and their respective Deputy Chief positions subject to eligibility qualifications set by the City’s Director of Human Resources, in order to provide authority for the City to consider a broad and diverse candidate pool for key leadership positions with the Akron Police and Fire Departments; designating the positions of Police Chief and Fire Chief as members of the unclassified civil service; clarifying that whenever practicable, vacancies in the classified civil service shall be filled by promotion, to be voted upon at the next regularly scheduled general municipal election to be held on November 5, 2024; and declaring an emergency. (7/8/2024) Adverse Report. Vote: 7-4 (Boyes, Davis, Garrett, Omobien)


BUDGET & FINANCE (Lombardo, Chair)











ORDINANCE authorizing a Conditional Use to vary the parking requirement at 360-454 E. Waterloo Road; and declaring an emergency. (7/22/2024)



ORDINANCE authorizing a Conditional Use to construct a solid wooden fence beyond the building line at 2016 Cramer Avenue; and declaring an emergency. (7/22/2024)



Ordinance authorizing a Conditional Use to construct an office, storage and meeting room addition at 403 Canton Road; and declaring an emergency.



Ordinance authorizing a Conditional Use to establish dual-use dispensing of marijuana at 737 E. North Street; and declaring an emergency.



Ordinance authorizing a Conditional Use to construct an apartment development at 40 N. Martha Avenue; and declaring an emergency.






D-133 Petition of South Plaza Associates, LLC, for a Conditional Use to Vary the Parking Requirement at 360-454 E. Waterloo Road PC-2024-28-CU (7/1/2024)



D-134 Petition of WM of Ohio for a Conditional Use to Operate a Refuse and Recycling Transfer Station and Trash Hauling Business at 1400 E. Archwood Avenue PC-2024-31-CU (7/1/2024)



D-135 Petition of Andrae Martin for a Conditional Use to Construct a Solid Fence Within the Akers Avenue Setback at 2016 Cramer Avenue PC-2024-32-CU (7/1/2024)



ORDINANCE authorizing a Conditional Use to establish a Type A daycare home at 782 Bellevue Avenue; and declaring an emergency. (11/27/2023) (Public Hearing held 2/5/2024)



D-730 Petition of Keisha Burney for a Conditional Use to Establish a Type A Daycare Home at 782 Bellevue Avenue PC-2023-60-CU (11/06/2023)



ORDINANCE authorizing a Conditional Use to establish an auto dealership at 338 N. Arlington Street; and declaring an emergency. (11/28/2022)  (Public Hearing was held 1/23/2023)



D-576 Petition of Abraham Zabay for a Conditional Use to Establish an auto dealership at 338 N. Arlington Street (PC-2022-52-CU)



ORDINANCE authorizing a Conditional Use to construct a parking lot at 921 Cordova Avenue for the Maple Valley Resource Center at 1474 Copley Road; and declaring an emergency. (9/18/2023) (Public Hearing held 9/25/2023)



ORDINANCE authorizing a Conditional Use to establish and construct an addition to a bed and breakfast at 814 Bloomfield Avenue; and declaring an emergency. (Public Hearing was held 9/13/21)



D-285 Petition of Louie Berrodin for a Conditional Use to establish a bed and breakfast and construct an addition at 814 Bloomfield Avenue (PC-2021-30-CU)  (7/12/21)



ORDINANCE authorizing a Conditional Use to construct a parking lot on the east side of W. Center Street (PN 6716587); and declaring an emergency. (Public Hearing was held October 21, 2019)



D-774 Petition of Community Action Agency for a Conditional Use to construct a parking lot and the sale of City-owned land on W. Center Street. (Parcel No. 6716587) (PC-2019-63-CU & S) (9/16/19)






ORDINANCE authorizing a Conditional Use to expand a business at 745 E. Archwood Avenue; and declaring an emergency.  (9/12/2022)  (Public Hearing was held 10/3/2022)



D-534 Petition of RVR Realty & Investment for a Conditional Use to expand a business at 745 E. Archwood Avenue (9/12/2022)


PUBLIC SERVICE (Kammer, Chair)






D-116-1 One (1) Objection to Street Cleaning/Street Lighting Project Per R-167-2024 (7/1/2024)



D-116-1 One (1) Objection to Street Cleaning and Street Lighting Project Per R-167-2024 (6/11/2024)



D-116 One (1) Objection to Street Cleaning and Street Lighting Project Per R-167-2024 (6/3/2024)







PUBLIC SAFETY (McKitrick, Chair)





PARKS & RECREATION (Connor, Chair)















SCREENING COMMITTEE (Sommerville, Chair)






21 Letters of Interest for Ward 8 Vacancy. (7/22/2024)





D-158 Investment Earnings Report for January through June 2024





ORDINANCE NO. 290-2024 authorizing the Mayor, or his designee, to enter into a grant agreement with Akron Polymer Products, Inc. and/or SA Industries, Inc. relating to its relocation and investment into Akron’s workforce; and declaring an emergency. Vote: 11-0.



ORDINANCE NO. 291-2024 levying special assessments and determining to proceed with public improvements and public services for the Downtown Akron Special Improvement District in accordance with Ordinance No. 100-2024 which approved the Downtown Akron Special Improvement District Plan for Services to be provided by the Downtown Akron Special Improvement District, Inc. for 2025-2029, all when and where necessary, all together with the necessary appurtenances thereto; and declaring an emergency. Vote: 11-0.



ORDINANCE NO. 292-2024 authorizing the Director of the Department of Planning and Urban Development to enter into a contract with Habitat for Humanity of Summit County for the construction of the Silver Maple Ridge development of sixteen (16) affordable single-family homes for low-income families in Akron; and declaring an emergency. Vote: 11-0.



ORDINANCE NO. 293-2024 authorizing the Mayor, or his designee without the formality of publicly advertising for bids, to enter into a contract or contracts with North Hill Community Development Corporation for the renovation of 771 N. Main Street; and declaring an emergency. Vote: 11-0.



ORDINANCE NO. 294-2024 authorizing the Mayor or his designee to apply for and, if awarded, accept and expend grant funds associated with lead hazard reduction from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development; and declaring an emergency. Vote: 11-0.



ORDINANCE NO. 295-2024 authorizing the Director of Public Service to enter into contracts, without the formality of advertising for bids, to purchase technology that will modernize and streamline snow and ice operations; and declaring an emergency. Vote: 11-0.



ORDINANCE NO. 296-2024 authorizing the Director of Public Service to enter into a contract or contracts, utilizing Sourcewell’s cooperative sourcing contract, with Safeware, Inc. for the purchase of training equipment to prepare employees to respond during snow and ice events; and declaring an emergency. Vote: 11-0.



ORDINANCE NO. 297-2024 authorizing the Director of Public Service to enter into a contract or contracts, after publicly advertising for bids, for improvements to the water mains on Arborwood Drive and Glen Echo Drive in the City of Akron water service area in Hudson, Ohio; and declaring an emergency. Vote: 11-0.



ORDINANCE NO. 298-2024 authorizing the Director of Public Service to enter into a contract, after publicly advertising for bids or requesting and receiving quotes or Requests for Proposals (RFPs), for facility improvements at community centers and downtown buildings to prevent and/or repair water leaks; and declaring an emergency. Vote: 11-0.



ORDINANCE NO. 299-2024 authorizing the Director of Public Service, or his designee, to enter into a contract or contracts, after publicly advertising for bids, for the purchase of two substation transformers for the Water Reclamation Facility; and declaring an emergency. Vote: 11-0.



ORDINANCE NO. 300-2024 authorizing the Director of Public Service to enter into a contract or contracts with Summit Metro Parks relating to the repair and improvements to the University Avenue Bridge; and declaring an emergency. Vote: 11-0.



ORDINANCE NO. 301-2024 authorizing the Mayor, or his designee, to apply for and, if awarded, accept and expend grant funding from the U.S. Department of Transportation Charging and Fueling Infrastructure Grant; and declaring an emergency. Vote: 11-0.



ORDINANCE NO. 302-2024 authorizing the Director of Public Service, or his designee, to enter into a contract or contracts, after publicly advertising for bids, for construction of the Renewable Energy Facility Polymer System Improvements project and construction management services related thereto; and declaring an emergency. Vote: 11-0.



ORDINANCE NO. 303-2024 authorizing the Mayor to accept and expend a Violence Against Women Act grant administrated by the Office of Criminal Justice Services; authorizing the Director of Law to enter into agreements with Oriana House, Inc. to implement the grant by continuing to fund two investigators for the Domestic Violence Unit; and declaring an emergency. Vote: 11-0.



ORDINANCE NO. 304-2024 authorizing the Mayor, or his designee, to enter into an agreement or agreements with the House of The Lord in furtherance of the 2024 Fugitive Safe Surrender and community violence prevention programming; and declaring an emergency. Vote: 10-0 (Omobien abstained).



ORDINANCE NO. 305-2024 authorizing the Mayor, or his designee, to accept and expend grant funding from the Akron Community Foundation to fund the position of Public Engagement Strategist; to enter into related agreements; and declaring an emergency. Vote: 11-0.



ORDINANCE NO. 306-2024 authorizing the Mayor, or his designee, to accept and expend grant funding from the Akron Development Corporation to fund the position of Data Transparency Strategist; to enter into related agreements; and declaring an emergency. Vote: 11-0.



ORDINANCE NO. 307-2024 authorizing the Mayor to enter into and execute the Summit County Intergovernmental Memorandum of Understanding for Job Creation and Retention and Tax Revenue Sharing; and declaring an emergency. Vote: 11-0.



ORDINANCE NO. 308-2024 authorizing the Mayor, or his designee, to enter into a contract or contracts, without the formality of publicly advertising for bids, with Xylem Sensus FlexNet for the Automated Meter Reading System portion of the meter update project; and declaring an emergency. Vote: 11-0.



ORDINANCE NO. 309-2024 determining to proceed with and levying special assessments for the improvement of certain streets in the City, between certain termini, by providing street-cleaning services and street lighting; approving the report of the Assessment Equalization Board; and declaring an emergency. Vote: 11-0.



ORDINANCE NO. 310-2024 determining to proceed with and levying special assessments for the improvement and maintenance of the off-street parking facilities in the Kenmore Business District and the Canton Road Business District; and declaring an emergency. Vote: 11-0.



ORDINANCE NO. 311-2024 authorizing the Mayor, or his designee, to enter into a contract or contracts, without the formality of publicly advertising for bids, for the purchase of vehicles for the Fire Division; and declaring an emergency. Vote: 11-0.










RESOLUTION acknowledging that the Petition submitted on August 28, 2024 is insufficient and does not comply with the requirements of the Charter of the City of Akron and the Constitution and laws of the State of Ohio; and declaring an emergency.






ORDINANCE authorizing a Conditional Use to construct an office, storage and meeting room addition at 403 Canton Road; and declaring an emergency. (Up for Public Hearing 9/9/2024)



ORDINANCE authorizing a Conditional Use to permit dual-use marijuana sales at 737 E. North Street; and declaring an emergency. (Up for Public Hearing 9/9/24)



ORDINANCE authorizing a Conditional Use to construct an apartment development at 40 N. Martha Avenue; and declaring an emergency. (Up for Public Hearing 9/9/24)



ORDINANCE authorizing a Conditional Use to place a monument sign with an LED message board for Reservoir Park at 1735 Hillside Terrace; and declaring an emergency. (Up for Public Hearing 9/23/2024)



ORDINANCE authorizing a Conditional Use to place a monument sign with an LED message board for the Patterson Park Community Center at 800 Patterson Avenue; and declaring an emergency. (Up for Public Hearing 9/23/2024)



ORDINANCE authorizing a Conditional Use to place a monument sign with an LED message board for the Ed Davis Community Center at 730 Perkins Park Drive; and declaring an emergency. (Up for Public Hearing 9/23/2024)



ORDINANCE authorizing a Conditional Use to install an oversized high-rise sign at 1526 Vernon Odom Boulevard; and declaring an emergency. (Up for Public Hearing 9/23/2024)



ORDINANCE authorizing a Conditional Use to construct a convenience store and gas station at 311 Darrow Road; and declaring an emergency. (Up for Public Hearing 9/23/2024)



ORDINANCE authorizing a Conditional Use to construct the Akron Zoo Animal Hospital on the east side of Diagonal Road, north of Auldfarm Road; and declaring an emergency. (Up for Public Hearing 9/23/2024)



ORDINANCE approving and authorizing the execution of a purchase and/or development agreement Citi Center Development, LLC or its nominee providing for the sale and redevelopment of the CitiCenter Building located at 146 S. High Street; and declaring an emergency.



ORDINANCE approving the sale of V.L. Hazel Street (Parcel # 67-64602) to Hazel Street Properties, LLC to reduce the cost to the City and the taxpayers in maintaining the lot and getting the property back on the tax rolls; determining said property is not needed for public use; and declaring an emergency.



ORDINANCE approving the sale of 492 V.L. Koerber Avenue (Parcel #’s 68-57540 and 68-06064) to Bobby’Z Construction, LLC pursuant to the City’s Welcome Home Akron Program and in order to facilitate the construction of new residential homes on unused and underutilized property in long-established neighborhoods and to reduce the cost to the City and the taxpayers in maintaining vacant lots; determining said property is not needed for public use; and declaring an emergency.



ORDINANCE authorizing the Mayor or his designee to enter into a lease agreement with Stow BMX Association to extend the term of their bicycle motocross facility lease at the Akron/Fulton Airport; and declaring an emergency.



ORDINANCE ratifying the actions of the Director of Public Service in contracting with Cardinal Group for emergency services to secure 1200 Firestone Parkway; authorizing payment therefor; and declaring an emergency.






ORDINANCE authorizing the Mayor or his designee to enter into a contract or contracts, without publicly advertising for bids, for the purchase of a new bucket truck from UTE (Utility Truck Equipment) for operations of the Office of Information Technology; and declaring an emergency.



ORDINANCE authorizing the Director of Public Service, without the formality of publicly advertising for bids, to enter into a contract and/or amending the existing contract with USG Water Solutions for professional engineering services relating to City-owned water storage tanks; and declaring an emergency.






ORDINANCE amending and/or supplementing Title 15, “Land Usage,” Chapter 150, “Environmental Health Housing Code,” Section 150.04, “Housing Appeals Board,” of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Akron; and declaring an emergency.




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