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Margo Sommerville, President

Jeff Fusco, Vice-President

Brad McKitrick, President Pro-Tem



   Members of Council:

Jeff Fusco, At-Large

Johnnie Hannah, Ward 5

Linda F. R. Omobien, At-Large

Brad McKitrick, Ward 6

Eric D. Garrett, Sr., At-Large

Donnie Kammer, Ward 7

Samuel D. DeShazior, Ward 1

James Hardy, Ward 8

Phil Lombardo, Ward 2

Tina Boyes, Ward 9

Margo Sommerville, Ward 3

Sharon L. Connor, Ward 10

Jan Davis, Ward 4



Council Agenda for May 13, 2024


1:00 P.M.

Planning & Economic Development

2:15 P.M.

Public Safety

1:45 P.M.

Parks & Recreation

2:30 P.M.

Health & Social Services

2:00 P.M.


3:00 P.M

Budget & Finance

2:00 P.M.

Public Service

Subject to Call

Housing & Neighborhood Assistance

2:00 P.M.

Public Utilities & Green

6:30 P.M.

Regular Council Meeting


Regular Meeting held on May 6, 2024. All members were present, except Hardy. Minutes of the previous meeting approved. Ayes: 12, Nays: 0.






ORDINANCE amending and/or supplementing Title 9 “General Provisions,” Chapter 106 “Prohibition of Conversion Therapy on Minors,” Section 106.03 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Akron in order to impose a first-degree misdemeanor penalty for the commission of the offense of conversion therapy on minors; and declaring an emergency. (Rules) (Item withdrawn from the Consent Agenda by Mayor 5/13/24)



ORDINANCE authorizing the Director of Public Service, or his designee, to enter into a contract or contracts for construction management services for the Sanitary Sewer Reconstruction 2023 Lining; and declaring an emergency. (Public Service)



ORDINANCE authorizing the Director of Public Service, or his designee, without the formality of publicly advertising for bids, to enter into a contract or contracts with ARCADIS U.S., Inc. for professional engineering services to provide a risk and resilience assessment and subsequent update to the Emergency Response Plan; and declaring an emergency. (Public Service)



ORDINANCE authorizing the Director of Public Service or his designee, to apply for and, if awarded, accept and expend funds for the grant agreement with Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) for the replacement of the beacon, decoupling of Taxiway B, replacement of the windcone, and remarking of Runway 7-25 at the Akron Fulton Airport; and declaring an emergency. (Public Service)


RULES (McKitrick, Chair)





BUDGET & FINANCE (Lombardo, Chair)











ORDINANCE authorizing the Mayor, or his designee, to enter into a contract or contracts with Bounce Innovation Hub for impacted small-business assistance and support; and declaring an emergency. (5/6/2024)



ORDINANCE authorizing the Mayor, or his designee, to enter into a contract or contracts with Akron Community Service Center and Urban League, dba Akron Urban League for impacted small-business assistance and support; and declaring an emergency. (5/6/2024)



ORDINANCE authorizing the Mayor, or his designee, to enter into a contract or contracts with Western Reserve Community Fund, Inc., for impacted small-business assistance and support; and declaring an emergency. (5/6/2024)






ORDINANCE authorizing a Conditional Use to construct an office, retail and medical marijuana dispensary on the west side of White Pond Drive, north of Naify Boulevard; and declaring an emergency. (11/27/2023)






ORDINANCE amending/supplementing Title 15, Chapter 153, “Zoning Code”, Article 6 “Development and Area District Requirements”, “Section 153.310 Business and industry requirements” by changing signage requirements within the Kenmore Urban Overlay Area; and declaring an emergency. (4/22/2024) (Public Hearing held 5/6/2024)



ORDINANCE authorizing a Conditional Use to construct an addition at 134 Western Avenue; and declaring an emergency. (4/22/2024)  (Public Hearing held 5/6/2024)



D-64 Petition of HALO Foundation of Akron for a Conditional Use to Construct a Commercial Addition at 134 Western Avenue PC-2024-10-CU (4/1/2024)



ORDINANCE authorizing a Conditional Use to establish a Type A daycare home at 782 Bellevue Avenue; and declaring an emergency. (11/27/2023) (Public Hearing held 2/5/2024)



D-730 Petition of Keisha Burney for a Conditional Use to Establish a Type A Daycare Home at 782 Bellevue Avenue PC-2023-60-CU (11/06/2023)



D-729 Petition of White Pond Holdings, LLC, for a Conditional Use to Construct an Office, Retail and Medical Marijuana Dispensary Development and Sale of City-Owned Land on the West Side of White Pond Drive, South of Frank Boulevard (Parcel 68-62331) PC-2023-59-CU&S (11/06/2023)



ORDINANCE authorizing a Conditional Use to establish an auto dealership at 338 N. Arlington Street; and declaring an emergency. (11/28/2022)  (Public Hearing was held 1/23/2023)



D-576 Petition of Abraham Zabay for a Conditional Use to Establish an auto dealership at 338 N. Arlington Street (PC-2022-52-CU)



ORDINANCE authorizing a Conditional Use to expand a business at 745 E. Archwood Avenue; and declaring an emergency.  (9/12/2022)  (Public Hearing was held 10/3/2022)



D-534 Petition of RVR Realty & Investment for a Conditional Use to expand a business at 745 E. Archwood Avenue (9/12/2022)



ORDINANCE authorizing a Conditional Use to construct a parking lot at 921 Cordova Avenue for the Maple Valley Resource Center at 1474 Copley Road; and declaring an emergency. (9/18/2023) (Public Hearing held 9/25/2023)



ORDINANCE authorizing a Conditional Use to establish and construct an addition to a bed and breakfast at 814 Bloomfield Avenue; and declaring an emergency. (Public Hearing was held 9/13/21)



D-285 Petition of Louie Berrodin for a Conditional Use to establish a bed and breakfast and construct an addition at 814 Bloomfield Avenue (PC-2021-30-CU)  (7/12/21)



ORDINANCE authorizing a Conditional Use to construct a parking lot on the east side of W. Center Street (PN 6716587); and declaring an emergency. (Public Hearing was held October 21, 2019)



D-774 Petition of Community Action Agency for a Conditional Use to construct a parking lot and the sale of City-owned land on W. Center Street. (Parcel No. 6716587) (PC-2019-63-CU & S) (9/16/19)






D-65 Petition of Lamar for a Conditional Use to Replace a Static Billboard With a New Digital Billboard Structure at 236 Annadale Avenue PC-2024-03-CU (4/1/2024)


PUBLIC SERVICE (Kammer, Chair)






D-79-1 One (1) Objection to Unimproved Street Resurfacing Project Per R-128-2024 (5/6/2024)






D-78-1 One (1) Objection to Residential Street Resurfacing Project Per R-130-2024 (4/29/2024)



D-85 One (1) Objection to Arterial Collector Resurfacing Project Per R-129-2024 (4/29/2024)



D-78 One (1) Objection to Residential Street Resurfacing Project Per R-130-2024 (4/22/2024)



D-79 One (1) Objection to Unimproved Street Resurfacing Project Per R-128-2024 (4/22/2024)



D-66-1 One (1) Objection to Concrete Street Repair Project Per R-59-2024 (4/15/2024)



D-66 One (1) Objection to Concrete Street Repair Project Per R-59-2024 (4/1/2024)







PUBLIC SAFETY (McKitrick, Chair)






RESOLUTION declaring that Akron City Council shall begin reviewing the designated police towing districts, and the assignments thereof, as set forth in 70.52 of the Akron Codified Ordinances; and declaring an emergency. (3/25/2024)


PARKS & RECREATION (Connor, Chair)


















D-87 Notice of New D1 Liquor Permit to SS & S Goodyear LLC, dba The Linda, 1745 Goodyear Blvd, Ward 10





ORDINANCE NO. 160-2024 authorizing a Conditional Use to replace a static billboard with a digital billboard at 236 Annadale Avenue; and declaring an emergency. (4/22/2024) Vote: 12-0.



ORDINANCE NO. 161-2024 authorizing the Mayor or his designee, without the formality of publicly advertising for bids, to enter into a contract or contracts with TimeClock Plus, LLC for the purchase of Human Capital Management software and implementation for Public Works; and declaring an emergency. Vote: 12-0.



ORDINANCE NO. 162-2024 authorizing the Purchasing Agent to enter into an agreement or agreements, without the formality of advertising for bids, for postage and mailing services used by various divisions and departments of the City for the year 2024; authorizing payment therefor; and declaring an emergency. Vote: 12-0.



ORDINANCE NO. 163-2024 authorizing the Mayor, or his designee, to enter into an agreement or agreements, without the formality of publicly advertising for bids, with Community Hall Foundation, Inc. dba Akron Civic Theatre for professional services relating to Lock 3; and declaring an emergency. Vote: 12-0.



ORDINANCE NO. 164-2024 authorizing the Mayor or his designee, to enter into a sponsorship contract or contracts with Rubber City Radio as a special media sponsor to render certain promotional services for the Rock the Lock, Rib White and Blue events and performances at Lock 3 during the 2024 season; and declaring an emergency. Vote: 12-0.



ORDINANCE NO. 165-2024 authorizing the Purchasing Agent to enter into an agreement or agreements, without the formality of publicly advertising for bids, with Woodsy’s Music, Inc. for sound and lighting services for Lock 3; authorizing payment therefor; and declaring an emergency. Vote: 12-0.



ORDINANCE NO. 166-2024 authorizing the Director of Public Service or his designee, after publicly advertising for bids, to enter into a contract or contracts for the Delaware Ave. Storm Sewer Extension project; and declaring an emergency. Vote: 12-0.



RESOLUTION NO. 167-2024 declaring it necessary to improve certain streets in the City, between certain termini, by providing street-cleaning services and street lighting; and declaring an emergency. Vote: 12-0.



RESOLUTION NO. 168-2024 declaring it necessary to improve various off-street parking facilities in the Kenmore Business District and the Canton Road Business District by sealing, resurfacing and repairing, painting parking space stripes, sweeping, removing snow, cleaning sewer openings, providing lawn, turf, shrub and tree maintenance, litter and other general clean-up and otherwise improving and maintaining the same, and all when and where necessary; and declaring an emergency. Vote: 12-0.



ORDINANCE NO. 169-2024 authorizing the Mayor or his designee, to enter into a contract or contracts with PRADCO to provide advanced Supervisor Management Development training; and declaring an emergency. Vote: 12-0.



ORDINANCE NO. 170-2024 authorizing the Mayor, or his designee, to enter into a contract or contracts with Akron 200 Inc., to support the preparation and planning of events and programs for Akron’s bicentennial celebration in 2025; and declaring an emergency. Vote: 12-0.



ORDINANCE NO. 171-2024 appointing Councilman Brad McKitrick to the Akron-Bath-Copley Joint Township Hospital District Board; and declaring an emergency. Vote: 11-0 (McKitrick abstained).



ORDINANCE NO. 172-2024 authorizing the Director of Public Service, or his designee, after publicly advertising for bids, to enter into a contract or contracts to replace lead service lines throughout the Akron; and declaring an emergency. Vote: 12-0.



ORDINANCE NO. 173-2024 authorizing the Director of Public Service, or his designee, to apply for and, if awarded, accept and expend grant funds for the Safe Streets 4 All Federal funding program; and declaring an emergency. Vote: 12-0.



ORDINANCE NO. 174-2024 authorizing the Purchasing Agent, after publicly advertising for bids, to enter into a contract or contracts to purchase approved ballistic plates for the Akron Police SWAT team; and declaring an emergency. Vote: 12-0.



ORDINANCE NO. 175-2024 authorizing the Mayor, or his designee, to enter into a contract with Akron Public Schools to provide meal preparation and delivery services as part of the City’s annual Summer Food Service Program; and declaring an emergency. Vote: 12-0.



ORDINANCE NO. 176-2024 authorizing the Mayor, or his designee, to enter into a contract or contracts, without the formality of publicly advertising for bids, with Tuesday Musical Association to provide professional services for the management of the Heinz Poll Summer Dance Festival; and declaring an emergency. Vote: 12-0.











ORDINANCE authorizing the Director of the Department of Planning and Urban Development, or his designee, to enter into a contract or contracts with non-profit organizations, for the provision of public services in order to carry out the intent and purpose of programs under the Consolidated Plan for the year 2024; authorizing payment therefor; and declaring an emergency.



ORDINANCE appointing Councilman Eric Garrett to the Akron-Bath-Copley Joint Township Hospital District Board; and declaring an emergency.






ORDINANCE authorizing the Mayor, or his designee, to apply for and, if awarded, accept and expend a FY2024 Law Enforcement Mental Health and Wellness Act program grant administered by the US Department of Justice, Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS Office); and declaring an emergency.



RESOLUTION opposing and objecting to the application of Mr. Pantry Copley, Inc., DBA Mr. Pantry, 950 Copley Road, Akron, Ohio 44320 for a Class D5 liquor permit (6208800) now pending before the Division of Liquor Control; and declaring an emergency.




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